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... registration . The owner when applying for the regis- tration of a heavy motor car is to declare ( a ) the weight unladen , ( b ) the axle - weight of each axle , and ( c ) the diameter of each wheel . Before registration , the weight ... from
... auto reg- stration refers to the necessary legal steps taken to establish the fact that a car is yours and is ... regis- tering your automobile in the new state . It is legally impossible not to have a domicile and it is equally ... from
... car regis- tration means that there is a motor vehicle to every twentieth person in the country . These are the main features taken from the annual motor car statistics compiled by Auto- motive Industries , of New York , based upon the ... from
... car regis- tration means that there is a motor vehicle to every twentieth person in the country . These are the main features taken from the annual motor car statistics compiled by Auto- motive Industries , of New York , based upon the ... from
... Car Act , 1903 , will expire at the end of next year . Fresh legislation ... auto- mobiles by the Locomotives on Highways Act , 1896 , the words " motor ... regis- tration of change of ownership , with the various regulations ... from
... car . Since January 1951 , the number of cars sold is based on franchised deal- ers ' sales as regularly reported in trade journals . Prior to 1951 the number series used was new passenger car regis- trations compiled by the R. L. Polk ... from
... regis- tration , others group pleasure and commer- cial cars and motor ... Auto- mobile Works , and Commandant de Frey- cinct , manager of the ... Auto- mobile Co .; L. Turcat of Turcat Mery & Co .; Baron A. de Turckheim manager ... from
... car . One hundred and thirty- five owners of the two and four cylinder ... AUTO FEES FOR ROAD BUILDING . $ 16,213,387 of Auto Money Paid for Highway ... regis- tration fees charged by the different states . The average for the ... from
... Car Registration . MINNESOTA " Under our law our motor vehicle regis- tration fee is in the nature of a tax rather than a license , being in lieu of all other taxes . In other words , motor vehicle owners pay no personal property tax on ... from
... car builders accepted this plan , with the result that there is now one electric service station to every 20,000 cars in the country . These sta- tions are distributed in accordance with motor car regis- tration as far as possible . One ...