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bibliogroup:"Economics as social theory" from
This volume extends its insights into the fields of economic methodology and economic theory in such a way as to open up new forms of investigation in economics and transform the nature of economic reasoning.
bibliogroup:"Economics as social theory" from
This book brings together a wide array of experts on Keynes' thought such as Gay Tulip Meeks, Sheila Dow and John Davis who discuss, analyse and criticise such themes as Keynesian probability and uncertainty, the foundations of Keynes' ...
bibliogroup:"Economics as social theory" from
This is done by treating economics as a social science once again, rather than as a positive science, as has been the inclination since the time of Jevons and Walras.
bibliogroup:"Economics as social theory" from
This volume includes papers from authors critical of this approach, as well as from those who discuss its full implications for contemporary economics. Paper edition (19568-3), $27.99. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
bibliogroup:"Economics as social theory" from
Is or has economics ever been the imperial social science? Could or should it ever be so? These are the central concerns of this book.
bibliogroup:"Economics as social theory" from
Shows how economics was once rich, diverse, multidimensional and pluralistic. Details how political economy became economics through the desocialisation and dehistoricisation of the dismal science.
bibliogroup:"Economics as social theory" from
This book provides a theoretical and historical examination of the evolution of money.
bibliogroup:"Economics as social theory" from
The contributors to this book fix their scholarly glare on the heterodox section of economics, and in particular upon critical realist approaches to the subject.
bibliogroup:"Economics as social theory" from
This book is an introduction to the key features of social positioning theory, provides context as to the theory’s development and illustrates how social positioning theory can clarify the natures of phenomena such as gender and the ...
bibliogroup:"Economics as social theory" from
In this book, Tony Lawson advocates a relignment of economics with social reality.