... New York State Senate Standing Committee on Child Care , Surrogate Par- enting Hearing , May 7 , 1987 , 20 . New ... in author's files . Office of Helene Weinstein , " Important Principles Underlying the Sur- rogate Parenting Bill ...
... New York State Task Force on Political Prisoners . “ Clemency Petition . ” Unpublished report in author's files [ circa 2002 ] . Nunn , Kenneth . “ Race , Crime and the Pool of Surplus Criminality : Or Why the ' War on Drugs ' Was a ...
Like all great loves, this volume reflects passion, promise, hope, pain, regret and, ultimately, the author’s pride. This includes true stories of love, work, marriage, raising a child, becoming a writer, death, and friendship.
... in Author ( plays ) : Chowder ; Old Lavender . Surprise ; Mulligan's Silver Wedding ; The Major ; The Grip ; The Doyle Brothers ; Under Cover ; and others . Club : Players . Address : 310 Park Pl . , Brooklyn , N. Y. HARRINGTON ...
New York (State). Duties of examiners . Penal code amended . Inauthor- ized offers for sales of real property . § 334. The examiners appointed under this act , shall hold at least one stated meeting in each month . At the first meeting ...
... New York , April 5 , 2011 . 87. Greg Clary , “ TZ Bridge Proposals on the Way , ” Journal News ( White Plains , NY ) ... State Thruway Authority , MTA Metro - North Railroad , and New York State Department of Transportation Recommend ...
... ( New York , 1998 ) ; Brooks D. Simpson , Ulysses S. Grant ( New York , 2000 ) , p . 449 ; Burke Davis , Sherman's March ( New York , 1988 ) , pp . 285 , 288-96 ; WCM - L , to his mother dated June 1 , 1865 ( copy in author's possession ) ...
New York (State). Dept. of Taxation and Finance. those directly interested in the administration in New York state . The discussion of Mr ... in author- ity may consider it and that we may govern ourselves 208 STATE TAX CONFERENCE.
... in author fulness , including professional titles and titles of honor but excluding such terms as ed . , tr . etc. which are not a part of the person's name but merely show his relation to a particular book . Brackets should not be used ...
... in author's possession . CHAPTER 6 1. Interviews of Chief Edison Mt. Pleasant and Ruth Mt. Pleasant , Nov. 30 , 1984 , Tuscarora Indian Reservation . 2. There are Robert Moses State Parks , regionally administered by the Niagara ...