bibliogroup:"Science, technology, and culture, 1700-1945" from
Do habits and emotions play a significant role in science? To what extent do present concerns and knowledge distort our understanding of past texts and practices? These are crucial questions in current debates, but they are not new.
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This book fills a substantial gap in our understanding of science and the culture in which it developed by examining the medium of advertising and its function in the discourse of both early-modern science and commerce.
bibliogroup:"Science, technology, and culture, 1700-1945" from
This book fills a substantial gap in our understanding of science and the culture in which it developed by examining the medium of advertising and its function in the discourse of both early-modern science and commerce.
bibliogroup:"Science, technology, and culture, 1700-1945" from
This book fills a substantial gap in our understanding of science and the culture in which it developed by examining the medium of advertising and its function in the discourse of both early-modern science and commerce.
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Showing how ideas about naturalism and the doctrine of natural laws were born in the early phrenology controversies in the 1820s, this book charts the spread of such views.
bibliogroup:"Science, technology, and culture, 1700-1945" from
At the time of Isaac Newton's rising popularity following the publication of his Principia (1687), this examination of how London newspaper advertisements (1687 to 1727) enticed consumers to purchase science related products, helps us ...
bibliogroup:"Science, technology, and culture, 1700-1945" from
As such this volume of essays will be welcomed by those interested in the genre of science biography, and who wish to re-examine its history, foundational problems and theoretical implications.
bibliogroup:"Science, technology, and culture, 1700-1945" from
As such this volume of essays will be welcomed by those interested in the genre of science biography, and who wish to re-examine its history, foundational problems and theoretical implications.
bibliogroup:"Science, technology, and culture, 1700-1945" from
This work traces the legacies, traditions and visions of the English Enlightenment as they are expressed through Joyce's life and literary production.
bibliogroup:"Science, technology, and culture, 1700-1945" from
This work traces the legacies, traditions and visions of the English Enlightenment as they are expressed through Joyce's life and literary production.